pd minggu lepas..sy mendapat panggilan dari guys yg join team cheer for NR( non-resident). so mereka berkata " didi marilah join cheer comp for sukol..team perempuan tak cukup".. pastu sy dgn muka tak tahu malunya ckp "YES!!" hahahah ok fine sy mmg gedik!
then mcm2 masalah timbul..ahli x cukup..bila sorg sorg dtg..yg lain pulak tak boleh datang..akhirnya.. lagi 2 days nk comp baru dpt practice..tu pon 1st day practice dance sket n basic stunts..sedangkan team lelaki dah habis routine.tinggal nk sharpkan ape yg patut je..tapi kami? masih terhuyung-hayang..damn!
hari ke dua..barulah kami practice gila2! dr pkl 8 mlm sampai kul 2 pagi! mase tu lah routine dah complete! stunts sume sharp! motion sume settle! pastu dgn badan penat gila kami ke uptown ye pd jam 2 pagi nk g cari baju utk comp esok..just pakai simple gila..balik tu sempat lagi g mkn kat kdai mamak sbb lapa gila! muka penat! tapi mata segar bugar tak ngantok lgsung! sbb excited kot???hahah
esoknya kami tiba awal utk practice ape yg patut... so haritu ade 7 girls team and 2 guys team for cheerleading..n for aerobic sy tak igt brape team yg masuk... then!!!!
here's are the champion!

Strikers all boys!
from NR team!

and the 2nd runner-up
Strikers all girls!
from NR team

thanks to fatin,wanie,fafa and team mate yg lain..sy berbangga dgn anda semua kerana walaupun 2 hari je practice blh dpt 2nd runner up!once u cheer, forever u cheer! will do better on the next SUKOL! 2nd place hell yeah! the best part is semua team NR yg join comp ni..cheerleading and aerobic, sume menang okay! NR hebat!!! big hugs!!!

Strikers all boys!
from NR team!

and the 2nd runner-up
Strikers all girls!
from NR team

thanks to fatin,wanie,fafa and team mate yg lain..sy berbangga dgn anda semua kerana walaupun 2 hari je practice blh dpt 2nd runner up!once u cheer, forever u cheer! will do better on the next SUKOL! 2nd place hell yeah! the best part is semua team NR yg join comp ni..cheerleading and aerobic, sume menang okay! NR hebat!!! big hugs!!!